
Posts Tagged ‘dating persona quiz’


Not that long ago I took this dating persona quiz from okcupid.com and my result?  “The Billy Goat”.  Horny.  Stubborn.  Kinda cute.  Slightly immature.  And often found on rough terrain. 

That result, not the description but the term- Goat, conjured up memories of a childhood incident. 

I was around eight or nine years old, my Aunt and Uncle had a small farm and on that farm they had chickens, goats, snakes, lizards, horned toads… (it was an equal opportunity farm!).  The focus of this story, though, are the goats.  We had cleaned the goat pens and were taking the hay and spreading it for them to eat.  As I was bent over pulling the hay a goat charged and rammed me right in the noggin’ (good news: my soft spot had already healed, bad news: I have a new soft spot).  I was out like a light!  When I came to, I was on the sofa, my Aunt was sitting over me holding an ice pack on my head.  My uncle comes over and tries to comfort me.  He asks me what ever I want I can have.  I must have been crying because when I replied, my voice cracked, but I was able to say, “I want cabrito (goat) tonight for dinner!”  Well, we had cabrito for dinner that night. 

Now, now, before you get all excited and go calling PETA on me, goat was a common dish growing up.  It’s not like if a dog bit us we were like, ‘bring out the grill we’re having dog tonight!’ 

But if you are going to call PETA make sure you send Amanda Beard. 🙂 

With memories like that you’d think I’d grow up to be in the mob.  Well, I’m not- to your disappointment I’m sure.  But I have always found myself referencing Adam Sandler and his Goat character.  “Hey Goat!” 

“Ya button-hooked me!” 

“Hey Goat, you have a knot on your head.”  “Jes, you better knot mention that again!” 

 On and on I could go, but to serve Mr. Sandler and you justice, I won’t.  You’re better off listening to it yourself. 

So, that’s the history of El Cabrito (aka The Goat).  

Don’t let your kids talk to strangers and don’t let your kids get hit in the head by a goat.  

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